MTC is part of Almarshad Holding Group, it is specialized in the electrical filed both low and medium voltage.
Before 50 years ago, the father Abdullah Abdulaziz Almarshad launched Almarshad Group Holding under strict foundations, principles, with high trading knowledge, and lots of relationships. Almarshad family considered as one of the ancient and conservative families in Riyadh. During these 50 years Almarshad Holding Group “MG” recognized seven different fields in, Real estate, Trade, Industry, Agriculture, Technology, Contracting and Food.
1949: Founder, Sheikh Abdullah, Abdulaziz AlMarshad .
1969: AlMarshad Holding “MG”
1994: AlMarshad Trading “MTC”
We aim to design develop and manufacture national electrical infrastructure in such a way that improves life and expand economical and commercial activities.
To develop infrastructure for facilitating next decade of our success that will establish us as a pioneer and a global powerhouse along with providing efficient and smart solutions of electrical energy in the region.
We operate with honesty and deliver with equality without compromising reliability to ensure your trust. Dedicated and committed to our professional responsibility and optimistic about our future.
We would like to highlight that the company’s strategy, since its start, is to achieve national quality in an inclusive concept, providing continuous improvement and development in all services that the company delivers. Adding to that in MTC we have focused on a set of values which focuses around improving credibility in the hearts of its customers Finally, a major goal we follow and that is to maintain a high level of efficiency in after sales support and making sure to achieve the 2030 vision. Chairman Message.
- Fahad bin Abdullah Al Marshad
Almarshad Group history Before 50 years ago, the father Abdullah Abdulaziz Almarshad launched Almarshad Group Holding. He made a major effort while establishing this group on strict foundations and principles. Almarshad family considered as one of the ancient and conservative families in Riyadh. At that period Sheikh Abdullah was a religious man. His passion was for trade and he started his first business at a young age. His start was purchasing and sailing home appliances in a shop located in Al-Thumairi market in Al-Sifat district. He continued this business for four years with no profit. This led him to close and leave the trade and got a government job instead of trade. Meanwhile, the Sheikh visited one of the largest suppliers of goods in Jeddah. He heard about the story of the Sheikh with his trading business and the lack of profit in that store. He advised the Sheikh Abdullah to be more patient with the trade and to change his methods and style that he was following with new ways. After that visit, the Sheikh Abdullah decided to start over again and to import the goods from Beirut directly instead of Jeddah, that way saved his time and effort. Then turned to import from Europe. This coincided with the commercial real estate crisis that the Kingdom witnessed at that time. This crisis encouraged the Sheikh to work in the real estate sector. He was the first one from his generation who entered this sector. He participated in making a lot of plans related to real estate in Riyadh and other regions of the kingdom. This was the beginning of establishing Almarshad Holding Group with seven different fields which are, Real estate, Trade, Industry, Agriculture, Technology, Contracting and Food.
1949: Founder, Sheikh Abdullah, Abdulaziz AlMarshad
1969: AlMarshad Holding
1994: AlMarshad Trading
2021: Rebranding .
- Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Marshad